The Pivot

A pivot in basketball occurs when you change direction from a specific position. Much like a basketball pivot, I am pivoting in the latter stages of my career. As I mentioned in my last post, I have scaled back my social media and volunteering while pivoting with personal and professional growth opportunities. My CLA adventure is starting to blossom as I am expanding my role and project work as we head towards spring.

They say you have to give to get. My giving is more giving up than giving in that I am doing less of the extras to focus on a critical few things. I am dialed in with consulting and teaching grad school with my SHRM certification class work. I am trying to fit in my pickleball and tennis around the edges and will add back my Saturday golf game in a few short weeks. I am putting my Doctoral work on hold till the summer to make sure I have the time for my new work. This summer I will again pivot as my daughter’s wedding approaches. Another series of give and takes for sure.

My social media and speaking at conferences has also had to give as I make room for what is most important. I believe you can have it all, just not all at the same time. I am sure I still have a couple of encores left to give…just not right now….

I will be back in a few weeks to give you an update…and let you know how the pivot worked out!

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